DC Fire & EMS Foundation


Dear Friends:

I am thrilled to announce that today, on International Firefighters Day, the DC Fire & EMS Foundation is being revived. The non-profit organization, originally incorporated in 2007, supports the DC Fire & Emergency Medical Services Department and its heroic members by supporting their training, employee wellness and recognition, equipment and facilities, and by educating the community about the Department's life-saving mission.​

After eight incredibly rewarding years as Chief of Staff of the DC Fire & EMS Department, I know that the story of the Department is the story of how financial and political investment saves lives. The Foundation will work to support the ongoing progress of our great Department. The Foundation's vision is to empower it to continue to be a national leader in EMS, fire suppression and prevention, homeland security, and technical rescue. We want to support its resilient and dedicated employees in any way we can.

Reflecting on the relaunch of the Foundation, Chief John A. Donnelly, Sr. said “I am thrilled to have Amy, a longstanding and committed member of the Department’s family, leading this great effort. I am also grateful to the very talented and generous Board Members who will take the Foundation to the next level and drive continued growth and community support of the Department.”

You can learn more about the Foundation, its Board of Directors, and the Department at www.dcfireemsfoundation.org.

The Foundation is announcing its launch by participating in a series of events from May 4 to May 6 by Food on the Stove, a partner non-profit that provides tools and resources to help firefighters live a healthier lifestyle through enhanced nutrition and exercise. Read more about Food on the Stove and their events here: foodonthestove.org.

I look forward to your support, involvement, and partnership as we embark on this worthy journey.

Best regards,

Amy C. Mauro, Esq.

Executive Director

